Reading Room


K. Kijek: Israeli Embassy Criticises the Appointment of a Fascist Sympathiser as the New Head of the Institute of National Remembrance in Wroclaw., 15.02.2021.
I. Barna, T. Kohut, K. Pallai, O. Gyárfášová, J. Kocián, G. Mesežnikov, R. Pankowski: Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrád Countries – Countering Distortion. Budapest, Tom Lantos Institute, 2021.
S. Norris: The Four Pillars Of Power. How Poland’s Ruling Party Undermines Freedom & Democracy., 10.02.2021.
D. Rosenberg: History and freedom on trial., 10.02.2021.
K. Kijek: A fascist sympathiser appointed head of the Wroclaw branch of the Institute of National Remembrance., 5.02.2021. 
AJN Staff: Groundbreaking Asian Shoah commemoration. “Australian Jewish News”, 5.02.2021.
W. Liliental: The rise of Nazism has modern parallels. “The Hamilton Spectator”, 4.02.2021.
J. Sharon: New Poland deputy education minister was member of far-right parties., 27.01.2021.
T. Hume: He Compared Gay Marriage to Bestiality. Now He’s in Charge of His Country’s Schools., 27.01.2021.
E. Inotai, C. Ciobanu: Fakebooks in Hungary and Poland., 25.01.2021.
Statement from global civil society on the impact of Facebook, Google and Twitter: Concern for democracy and human rights must not end at the US’s borders., 21.01.2021.
2020 – The Year in Fascism and Far Right Extremist Violence. Report by the International Violent Hate Crimes Research Project. Antifa International, 19.01.2021.
T. Hume: Poland Wants to Ban Social Media Companies From Banning Hate Speech., 15.01.2021.
T. Hume: Far-Right Extremists Charged Over Alleged Bomb and Poison Terror Plot in Poland., 5.01.2021.


Human beings, not nations calendar, designed by the “NEVER AGAIN” Association, 30.12.2020.
N. Sineaeva-Pankowska: On Yehuda Bauer’s “Creating a «Usable» Past: On Holocaust Denial and Distortion”. “Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs”, Vol. 14, No. 3, 2020.
Sz. Jezewski, E. Bialoglowska: Queerhood VS Nationhood: the exclusion of LGBTQI+ community from Poland’s national identity., 19.12.2020.
T. Berecz, Ch. Devinat: INACH Annual Report 2020. Bringing the Online in line with Human Rights., 16.12.2020.
M. Cole: Are Poland’s football ultras really supporting the Women’s Strike?, 10.12.2020.
Natalia Sineaeva at the World Genocide Commemoration Day organized by the Center for the Study of Genocide and Justice. Liberation War Museum, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 9.12.2020.