Reading Room


Youth Against Fascism and Racism: Using popular culture to engage young people in human rights reporting. In: T. Cornell, K. Kelsch, N. Palasz: New Tactics in Human Rights. A Resource for Practitioners. Minneapolis, The Center for Victims of Torture, 2004.


Never Again! European Conference Against Racism and Fascism. 19-23 November 2003. Cracow, UNITED for Intercultural Action, 2003.
J. S. Mac: Fighting fascism. “Warsaw Voice”, 3.08.2003.
Polish Political Scene. Attitudes, Declarations and Actions. In: Fifth Framework Programme. Improving Human Capital. The European Dilemma: Institutional Patterns and Politics of “Racial” Discrimination. Workpackage 1: Poland. Discriminatory Landscape. Institute of Social Policy, Department of Journalism and Political Science, University of Warsaw, 03.2003.
R. Pankowski: The Bald Ones Rule Here. “United Colours of Football”, No. 4, 2003.


R. Pankowski: Far right hijacks anti-capitalist group. “Searchlight”, 07.2002.


R. Pankowski: Met any Jews lately? “Index on Censorship”, No. 2, 2000.
R. Pankowski: Polish anti-fascists under attack. (MINELRES – a forum for discussion on minorities in Central&Eastern Europe), 2.02.2000.
R. Pankowski: From Lunatic Fringe to Academia: Holocaust Denial in Poland. In: Holocaust Denial. The David Irving Trial and International Revisionism. Ed. by K. Taylor. London, Searchlight Educational Trust, 2000.


A week of struggle… “Pro Memoria” [English edition], No. 9, 06.1998.
R. Pankowski: Nazi Music in Poland. In: N. Lowles, S. Silver: White Noise. Inside the International Skinhead Scene. London, “Searchlight”, 1998.