AJC CE, „Never Again” Association Write Letter to FIFA about Polish Referee’s Antisemitic Rant. AjcCentralEurope.org, 12.11.2021.
C. Liphshiz: “Death to Jews,” Polish nationalists shout at rally while burning book about Jews in Poland. Jta.org, 12.11.2021.
M. Nowakowski, W. Karpieszuk: State-Sanctioned Independence Day March in Warsaw: War Rhetoric, Xenophobia, and Anti-EU Sentiment. Wyborcza.pl, 12.11.2021.
B. Cohen: Cries of “Death to the Jews!” Ring Out at Angry Demonstration in Poland as Far-Right Agitators Burn “Symbol of Tolerance”. Algemeiner.com, 12.11.2021.
T. Hume: One of Europe’s Most Notorious Far-Right “Hate Fests” Gets Official Backing. Vice.com, 10.11.2021.
JNS: FIFA president urged to take action against Polish referee’s anti-Jewish rant. Jwire.com.au, 5.11.2021.
Polish Independence Day March Likely to Lead to Far-Right Violence. GlobalExtremism.org, 5.11.2021.
Fact-checkers and experts call on MEPS to reject a media exemption in the DSA. Disinfo.eu, 5.11.2021.
L. Barnes: From America with Hate: The Alliance Defending Freedom’s Role in Advancing Anti-LGBTQ+ and Anti-woman Agendas in Eastern Europe [report]. Global Project Against Hate and Extremism, 11.2021.
D. Verbin: Top Polish soccer referee blasted for offensive rant about Jews. IsraelNationalNews.com, 3.11.2021.
L. Harpin: Top Polish referee sparks outrage with rant about Jews and antisemitism. JewishNews.co.uk, 2.11.2021.
E. Jeanné: Polish Online TV Channel Promotes Hate but YouTube Takes No Action. Media-diversity.org, 1.11.2021.
S. Norris: Boris Johnson & Poland’s Prime Minister Find “Common Cause” in European Justice Row. BylineTimes.com, 1.11.2021.
S. Sokol: Poland quietly recognized the IHRA antisemitism definition. Critics aren’t impressed. Haaretz.com, 31.10.2021.
What is online hate? Eooh.eu, 21.10.2021.
Countering illegal hate speech online – 6th evaluation of the Code of Conduct. European Comission, 7.10.2021.
T. Hume: A Far-Right Writer Was Refused Entry to the UK and Poland Is Freaking Out. Vice.com, 4.10.2021.
Polish Foreign Ministry Furious After UK Denies Entry to Far-Right Writer Who Called Holocaust a “Myth”. Algemeiner.com, 4.10.2021.
Young people’s trajectories through anti-Islam(ist) and extreme right milieus: Country level report. Poland. Radical football fans. Ed. by P. Kuczynski, R. Pankowski and P. Witowski. DARE: Dialogue about Radicalisation and Equality, October 2021.
G. Piotrowski: “Sometimes Anti-Social, Always Anti-Fascist” – Interplay Between Moderate and Radical Actors in the Polish Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist Movements. “Studia Socjologiczne”, No. 3(242), 2021.