Reading Room


R. Pankowski: Poland. Tory allies support shooting at rescue boats. “Hope not Hate”, 09-10.2017.
AP: German nationalist leader Petry could lose immunity. “The Friday Times”, “The Kuwait Times”, 18.08.2017.
R. Pankowski: A Polish ethno-religion? Some thoughts on the baptism of Poland and contemporary national identity. “Zoon Politikon”, No. 8, 2017.
R. Pankowski: Civil society under pressure from the far right in Poland. “Hope not Hate”, 28.07.2017.
R. Pankowski, S. Piggott: Donald Trump’s Visit to Poland Further Emboldens Far-Right Elements., 17.07.2017.

R. Pankowski: Poland. In: Modern Antisemitism in the Visegrád Countries. Ed. by I. Barna, A. Félix. Budapest, Tom Lantos Institute, 2017.

R. Syal, D. Lavelle: Britain First supporter calls for Merkel to be shot for refugee policy., 6.07.2017.
R. Syal: Far-right activists detained at UK border before Britain First rally., 24.06.2017.
T. Hume: Brits are pissed that Polish hate preachers were invited to a far-right rally., 23.06.2017.

R. Pankowski: Polish far right targets UK Poles. “Hope not Hate”, 05-06.2017.

R. Pankowski: A Tory ally talks of “Rivers of Blood”. “Hope not Hate”, 14.06.2017.
V. Gera: Demonization of Soros recalls old anti-Semitic conspiracies., 15.05.2017.

R. Pankowski: Failed traveller Jacek Miedlar. “Hope not Hate”, 03-04.2017.

Polish FA head accused of sexism., 24.03.2017.

Never Again Association. In: Preventing Radicalisation to Terrorism and Violent Extremism. Approaches and Practices. Amsterdam, Radicalisation Awareness Network (RAN), 2017.

R. Pankowski: State of Hate. Poland. “Hope not Hate”, 01-02.2017.

Poland. In: Country Reports on Human Rights Practice for 2016 [Report of the U.S. Department of State]. Washington, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 2017.

D. Snyder: European Jews Alarmed by Israeli Outreach to Anti-Semitic Far Right. “The Forward”, 18.01.2017.


E. Hinsey: Poland’s Illiberal Challenge [a dialogue with Rafał Pankowski]. “New England Review”, Vol. 37, No. 4 (2016).

Artspace Editors: “Feel the Proximity of Evil”: Wilhelm Sasnal on How Painters Can Fight Fascism., 17.12.2016.