Reading Room


J.-Y. Camus: Continuity by far exceeds change [review of The Populist Radical Right in Poland: The Patriots by Rafał Pankowski]. “Hope not Hate”, 05-06.2013.
A. Painter: Democratic stress, the populist signal and extremist threat. A call for a new mainstream statecraft and contact democracy. London, Policy Network, 2013.
RESPECT Diversity – Football Unites. The FARE Network’s Programme of Activities at Euro 2012. Project Report. Warsaw, “NEVER AGAIN” Association, 2013.
R. Pankowski, M. Kornak: Radical Nationalism in Poland: From Theory to Practice. In: Right-wing extremism in Europe: country analyses, counter-strategies and labor-market oriented exit strategies. Ralf Melzer [eds.]. Berlin, Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2013.


T. Helm, J. Hooper: Nigel Farage heads for row over Ukip's anti-gay allies. “The Observer”, 15.12.2012.
F. Schneider: Poles More Tolerant. “The Warsaw Voice”, 28.10.2012.
R. Syal: Shadow of racism over Euro 2012 finals. “The Guardian”, 8.06.2012.
N. Lowles: The beautiful game? “Hope not Hate”, 05-06.2012.
R. Pankowski: Poland. In: Preventing and Countering Far-Right Extremism: European Cooperation. Country Reports. Stockholm, Ministry of Justice, Institute for Strategic Dialogue, 2012.
L. Fekete: Pedlars of hate: the violent impact of the European far Right. London, Institute of Race Relations, 2012.
A. Shekhovtsov: European Far-Right Music and Its Enemies. In: Analyzing Fascist Discourse: European Fascism in Talk and Text. Ed. by R. Wodak, J. E. Richardson. London, Routledge, 2012.


A. Maciol: Fears as far right gains fresh foothold in Poland. “Deutsche Welle”, 5.12.2011.
L. Rensmann: Resentment Reloaded: How the European Radical Right Mobilizes Antisemitism and Counter-Cosmopolitanism. “Journal for the Study of Antisemitism”, Volume 3, Issue 2, 2011.
R. Pankowski: Racist violence in Poland. Brussels, European Network against Racism (ENAR), 03.2011.
G. Kuhn: Supporters. In: Soccer vs. the State. Tackling Football and Radical Politics. Oakland, PM Press, 2011.
Europe united against racism. “Champions. The Official UEFA Champions League Magazine”, 01.2011.
Football for Equality. Challenging racism and homophobia across Europe. Vienna Networking Conference. Conference report. Wienna [Austria], FairPlay am Wiener Institut für Internationalen Dialog und Zusammenarbeit, 2011.


R. Syal: World Cup 2018 win raises Russian racism fears., 3.12.2010.
N. Pankowska: Irving leads death camp tours. “Searchlight”, 11.2010.
David Irving met with outrage in Poland. “Searchlight”, 10.2010.