Poland. In: International Religious Freedom Report for 2022 [Report of the U.S. Department of State]. Washington, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 2023.
V. Gera: Poland summons Russian ambassador over assassination comment. Apnews.com, 5.05.2023.
Facebook: Deadly by Design [Open Letter to Facebook]. Deadlyby.design, 1.05.2023.
Russian incitement to genocide. Ohpi.org.au, 16.04.2023.
T. Hume: The State-Funded TV Channel That “Makes Fox News Look Moderate”. Vice.com, 4.04.2023.
E. Zgut-Przybylska: Two tales of anti-minority approaches. In: Democracy without Minorities: The relationship between minorities and populism in Poland and Hungary. Bruxelles, European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP), 2023.
R. Pankowski, K. Czerska-Shaw, I. Rangelov: Poland’s Role in Ukraine’s Security Amid the Challenge of Migration: Humanitarian Responses, Civic Solidarities and Downstream Risks [PeaceRep Report]. Conflict and Civicness Research Group, London School of Economics, 29.03.2023.
Approaches to addressing antisemitism in European P/CVE. Luxembourg, European Commission, Radicalisation Awareness Network, 03.2023.
Poland. In: Country Reports on Human Rights Practice for 2022 [Report of the U.S. Department of State]. Washington, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, 2023.
B. Cohen: Fury in Poland Over “Antisemitic” Defense of Pope John Paul II. Algemeiner.com, 20.03.2023.
Anti-Muslim rhetoric in Greece, Hungary and Germany. Antisemitic narratives in Belgium, France and Poland whilst anti-migrant, and a biased article is published in the UK. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 16.03.2023.
H. Italie: “Nazi” references: BBC sportscaster’s tweet revives debate. Apnews.com, 15.03.2023.
B. Cohen: Polish National Bank Issues Coin Honoring Anti-Communist Leader Accused of Murdering Jews. Algemeiner.com, 7.03.2023.
Action Against Hate: Diversity & Religion Exhibition. Free Art Exhibition, 25 February – 2 March 2023 [Exhibition Catalogue]. Get The Trolls Out! and the University of Westminster, London, 2023.
LGBTQ+ groups tell Leo Varadkar: reform the Irish Data Protection Commission. PeoplevsBig.tech, 22.02.2023.
Anti-Muslim rhetoric spread in Greece, France, Hungary, and Belgium. Antisemitic narratives spread in Poland and the UK and extremist right-wing ideology disseminated in Germany. GetTheTrollsOut.org, 20.02.2023.
You Tube Pulls Antisemitic Polish Channel Following Protests. Algemeiner.com, 7.02.2023.
Global Experts Denounce Facebook’s Trump Decision. GlobalAlliance.tech, 2.02.2023.
You Tube Urged to Act Against Far Right Polish Channel Targeting Jews, Ukrainian Refugees. Algemeiner.com, 1.02.2023.
People vs. Big Tech input into the European Media Freedom Act. Ec.europa.eu, 01.2023.