101. T. Hume: Fans of Far-Right MP Who Vandalised a Menorah Are Now Selling Merch. Vice.com, 15.12.2023.
102. T. Hume: Far-Right Extremists Charged Over Alleged Bomb and Poison Terror Plot in Poland. Vice.com, 5.01.2021. 
103. T. Hume: Far-right Polish MP Just Took a Fire Extinguisher to a Menorah in Parliament. Vice.com, 12.12.2023.
104. T. Hume: He Compared Gay Marriage to Bestiality. Now He’s in Charge of His Country’s Schools. Vice.com, 27.01.2021.
105. T. Hume: One of Europe’s Most Notorious Far-Right „Hate Fests” Gets Official Backing. Vice.com, 10.11.2021.
106. T. Hume: Poland Wants Pardon for Neo-Fascist Behind Pride Attack. Vice.com, 17.07.2023.
107. T. Hume: Poland Wants to Ban Social Media Companies From Banning Hate Speech. Vice.com, 15.01.2021.
108. T. Hume: Poland’s Far-Right Has a Big Target in Its Sights: Britain. Vice.com, 14.06.2023.
109. T. Hume: Poland’s Capital Erupts As Far-Right Take Over Streets For Annual Hate-Fest. Vice.com, 11.11.2020.
110. T. Hume: Poland’s Far Right Used Independence Day to Rally Against LGBTQ Rights. Vice.com, 14.11.2019.
111. T. Hume: Poland’s populist government let far-right extremism explode into the mainstream. News.vice.com [USA], 9.05.2017.
112. T. Hume: Polish Embassy Backing Grassroots Campaign to Glorify Anti-Semite Buried in London. Vice.com, 18.11.2020.
113. T. Hume: Polish Far-Right Forming „National Guard” to Protect Churches Following Abortion Protests. Vice.com, 26.10.2020.
114. T. Hume: The State-Funded TV Channel That „Makes Fox News Look Moderate”. Vice.com, 4.04.2023.
115. T. Hume: White nationalists in Europe loved Trump’s Charlottesville response. News.vice.com [USA], 17.08.2017.
116. B. Hypki: Rada Miasta Kalisza przyjęła wspólne stanowisko ws. antysemickiego marszu z 11 listopada. Kalisz.naszemiasto.pl, 25.11.2021.
117. B. Hypki: Władze i policja mogły zatrzymać marsz z 11 listopada 2021 r.? Jakie jest zdanie prokuratury? Kalisz.naszemiasto.pl, 4.01.2023.
118. HZ: Walka z rasizmem, czyli co wolno bogatym. „Życie Warszawy”, 22.12.2004.  
Suma artykułów w kategorii: 118